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"Experience the beauty of the mountains while rafting on the Mendoza River."

8 h
130 dólares estadounidenses
Cacheuta y potrerillos

Descripción del servicio

"Experience a day of adventure in the high mountains. Begin your day with a coffee breakfast featuring the finest alfajores in Mendoza at Entre Dos Cacheuta, before continuing your journey towards adventure. Along the way, you'll catch sight of Lake Potrerillos. At Argentina Rafting, you'll embark on a thrilling 1.5-hour descent down the Mendoza River, enjoying the pure mountain waters. Cap off your day with lunch at Hotel Potrerillos, where you can savor a 3-course menu paired with wine while gazing out at the majestic lake. Itinerary: 9:00 am: Pick-up from Gran Mendoza. 9:30 am: Breakfast at Entre Dos Cacheuta. 11:00 am: Start of Mendoza River Rafting. 2:30 pm: Lunch at Hotel Potrerillos. 4:30 pm: Conclusion of the activity. 6:00 pm: Return to Gran Mendoza. What's Included: Meals: All meals are included. Rafting: Included. Beverages: All beverages and tastings are included. Transport: Fully included from the hotel or accommodation in Gran Mendoza (Mendoza, Las Heras, Luján, Godoy Cruz, Guaymallen, Maipu); additional charges may apply for other areas. Not Included: Tips, both at restaurants and for the driver and guide. Minimum for this experience is 2 passengers. All our prices are based on double occupancy; for a single passenger, an additional USD 15 will be charged. FOR GROUPS OF MORE THAN 4 PEOPLE, PLEASE INQUIRE ABOUT SPECIAL PRICES VIA WHATSAPP."

Política de cancelación

Política de cancelación y reembolso Para obtener un reembolso total, tenés que cancelar al menos 4 días antes de la hora de inicio de la experiencia o durante las 24 horas posteriores a la reserva, siempre que esta se haga cuando todavía falten más de 48 horas para el inicio. Cobertura para los Pasajeros Cambios y Modificaciones En el caso de no alcanzar el número mínimo de pasajeros requerido para un tour, o debido a circunstancias imprevistas como eventos climáticos o problemas de salud del personal, el organizador se reserva el derecho de modificar o cancelar los servicios contratados. En tal caso, se reembolsarán las cantidades recibidas y el pasajero no tendrá derecho a reclamar. VinoYendo se reserva el derecho de ajustar horarios, itinerarios y excursiones para garantizar el óptimo desarrollo del tour, manteniendo su calidad y duración.

Detalles del contacto


Mendoza, Capital, Mendoza, Argentina

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